The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Saturday, November 15, 2003


Continuing the "how hard should Dems go after Bush" debate is David Brooks, though his most recent entry on the issue is disingenuous and lame. Here, Brooks, a conservative, endorses the unilateral disarmament plan for Democrats in terms of aggressive partisanship and taking on Republicans. That's nice, Davey, your objection is duly noted in the record. Of course, he'd never, never mention in his writings that whenever Democrats go after Bush significantly, his poll numbers go... down. What a concept!

Sometimes I feel like at least half the column space recently taken up by conservatives like Brooks, George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and a few others has been devoted to giving Democrats advice regarding their choice of candidate to take on Bush next year. My advice on their advice? Zone it the fuck out. True, I am not entirely sure as to how negative the tone of the general election campaign should be, or the primary one for that matter. But if I'm Gep/Kerry/Clark/Dean/etc, I'm not about to take advice from the likes of David Brooks. Certainly Bush and Republicans aren't about to take advice from us liberals, nor are they going to unilaterally disarm from the "war" in DC.

UPDATE: Jesse does some creative reworking of Brooks' speech.


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