The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Pretoria, governmental capital of South Africa, gets a name change. Some people weren't happy about it. Guess who:
A recommendation that the name of South Africa's capital be changed from Pretoria to Tshwane has been unanimously approved.

The Geographic Names Council took four hours to back the change. Tshwane is the name of a pre-colonial local chief and means "we are the same".

Supporters of the change say the switch will underscore South Africa's break with apartheid in 1994.

The city was named after Boer settler and Afrikaner hero Andries Pretorius.

At the weekend, hundreds of predominantly white South Africans staged a demonstration against the name change.
The article includes the following picture, with a caption:
Opponents of the change say they feel marginalised
Hmm. So they felt marginalized. What was their suggested name, "Ironia"?

As we at The Facts Machine enjoy a good potshot from time to time, we must wonder whether Vice President Cheney was protesting with them.


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