The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Monday, June 23, 2003


As you may have heard, MoveOn is having their own Democratic primary tomorrow, in which they will poll all of their registered members, somewhere around 1.5 million people, by email.

If you haven't registered yet, you can do so through here.

You'll be able to vote from tonight at midnight through wednesday night at 11:59pm.

Why is this cool and/or relevant? Because the media has no part in this. We've heard for a while (that is, if you've been paying attention) that Gephardt shall win in Iowa and Kerry and Dean will duke it out for New Hampshire. The reason we hear this is that the media wants to concoct a storyline for the campaign, and when something is repeated enough, it becomes conventional wisdom. The MoveOn primary is an opportunity to express one's support for candidates without the filter of "conventional wisdom".

Anyway, get to it!


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