The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Friday, January 24, 2003

Go Elliot Spitzer!

Without him, and maybe Colin Powell at times, the world would have blown up by now.
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer of New York said yesterday that he would file a brief with the United States Supreme Court supporting the University of Michigan's policy of giving extra weight to an applicant's race in deciding who gets admitted to its undergraduate program and law school.


Mr. Spitzer made known his views amid a national debate prompted by papers filed with the Supreme Court last week by President Bush's lawyers contending that the University of Michigan's admissions programs were quota systems in disguise and violated the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection.
Hmm, in 2006 I could be living in a midtown, 2nd-floor apartment, and I'll be right near the front of the line to cast my vote for Spitzer. He'll do especially well after riding the coattails of President Kerry-or-Edwards-or-Dean.


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