The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Today is a travel day for TFM, so you will not see any posts here until late tonight probably. Then tomorrow I will be going to Candlestick for the 49ers-Packers game. Woohoo!

Let me quickly go over all the stuff that went on yesterday:

-Cardinal Law resigned. Good
-Henry Kissinger resigned from the 9/11 commission. Thank friggin god.
-Mary Matalin resigned. Score it: Carville 1, Cheney 0.
-Trent Lott remains defiant, wont step down. Surely he can't be serious. It wont last.
-Zimbabwe president Mugabe has sworn vengance on the white people of his country. Say, would you mind not doing that while my girlfriend is there? (yes yes, i'm not worried, Mugabe is talking about the white farmers in his country, this has been going on for a while)

Also, there are whispers that Gore might not run after all, and would rather let a fresh face challenge Bush in '04. I'm not sure I buy that. This is quite the blitz he's putting on, more than just a "book tour". Still, some of his friends are saying that he feels stung by the media, which has been trying to protray Gore as "reinventing" himself yet again. Whatever, we'll find out in january.

Ok, off to my last final, and then back to the bay area for me!


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