The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, October 29, 2002


I see that Drudge has a big-assed scare-headline up, with the apparent response he hopes to solicit being one of outrage, that thirty thousand Minnesotans chose not to spend hours bowing their heads and crying, but rather to celebrate the life and causes of their fallen hero. So he puts up a picture of the Big Dog smiling with Mondale, with the intent to elicit the usual Pavlovian response from the wingnuts.

TFM's opinion? I have absolutely no problem with what went on tonight. Here, read for yourself the piece to which Drudge links. I don't object to a single thing said in the event. Remember that Wellstone was a guy who always put cause and principle before himself, the most progressive voice in the senate ("the soul of the senate" as Senator Tom Harkin aptly put it), and by a wide margin the most honest and least corrput person in the entire body.

He wouldn't have wanted a somber service with people burying their faces in their hands.

He wants the causes for which he fought to live on.

Reading the piece, I couldn't help but feel inspired. As Harkin puts it, "Paul never meant it to be a solo voyage. He wanted us all on board. Now we must continue Paul's journey for justice. So tonight, I ask you: Will you stand up and join together and board that bus?"


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