The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

It tops a U.S. Army most-wanted list, unleashes potent chemicals that suck the immediate vicinity dry — and it goes great with grape jelly.

The struggle to make the classic peanut butter and jelly combination battle-ready for soldiers in the field highlights an effort by top Army scientists to develop pocket sandwiches that will keep without refrigeration for three years. (full story)

And it goes on like that!

Should this be our highest priority? Should I be happy with such R&D priorities? And should my taxes be going towards this?

Furthermore, I would suggest that a three-year sandwich could have a much more compassionate and useful application than to just give it to some soldier or cadet.

And where o where does a soldier keep a sandwich if he's gets caught by the enemy and becomes a POW? Next to Christopher Walken's watch?


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