The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Monday, October 04, 2004


I wasn't going to link to anything related to this ridiculous idea that Kerry brought a "cheat sheet" to the debate with him, and casually removed it from his jacket and put it on the podium . . . on the stage . . . in front of 60 million Americans.

When I heard about this (from the usual suspect in a fedora), I thought to myself "it's going to turn out to be a pen".

And it was.
But the mystery was solved when The Post reviewed a Fox News Channel feed from Thursday's debate: Kerry pulled out . . . a black pen.
Hmm, one Murdoch tentacle reviews another... that's some great sock puppetry there. But the Post is looking to recover from the Gephardt VP black eye, so they are now redeemed.

I like this idea on the right that Kerry somehow cheated. First, they work ever so hard to lower the expectations for Bush, to make it easier for him to "win" the debate. But suddenly, John Kerry could only have won the debate because he cheated. Did expectations about Bush's performance change overnight? You bunch of flip-floppers you!

Anyway, Kerry's spokespeople have been having a field day with this one:
Kerry campaign spokesman David Wade remained angry at the bloggers' guilt-by-insinuation.

"The right-wing attack machine will say anything to steal a debate do-over," he said.

"We plead guilty to having a pen."


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