The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Monday, September 13, 2004


Since taking over as Governor of California 10 months ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger has shown bold leadership.

When the primary season came along, Arnold boldly... supported a couple of bond measures that effectively put off the inescapable budget crisis for a year.

When the budget stalled in Sacramento earlier this summer, Arnold boldly... supported a budget that borrowed even more money.

When Gavin Newsom took a stand for equal rights, Arnold boldly... agreed but refused to act on his principles.

Okay, okay, so maybe he hasn't shown bold leadership. And perhaps it's fair to say that the only thing he's done boldly in his tenure in Sac-town was to boldly lie about the presence of Soviet tanks in Austria and the debate schedule of the 1968 presidential campaign.

But at last, at long last, our musclebound, dinimutive Governor has finally made a bold, daring decision:
Having sex with corpses is now officially illegal in California after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill barring necrophilia, a spokeswoman said on Friday.

The new legislation marks the culmination of a two-year drive to outlaw necrophilia in the state and will help prosecutors who have been stymied by the lack of an official ban on the practice, according to experts.

"Nobody knows the full extent of the problem. ... But a handful of instances over the past decade is frequent enough to have a bill concerning it," said Tyler Ochoa, a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law who has studied California cases involving allegations of necrophilia.

"Prosecutors didn't have anything to charge these people with other than breaking and entering. But if they worked in a mortuary in the first place, prosecutors couldn't even charge them with that," Ochoa said.
And they said Gray Davis was stiff.

(thanks to alex for the link)


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