The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

A new poll from CBS and the New York Times has Kerry leading Bush 46-44 and Bush's approval/disapproval spread at 46-to-47. To those of you who might be fidgeting in your chairs about John Kerry's candidacy, please stop spazzing, just because of one mediocre set of polls and a phony controversy regarding medals Kerry won for courage and bravery in Vietnam, he's hanging in there. Things will be even better when he finds himself a running mate, which I hope he does in the next two weeks.

Bush has had exactly two good weeks in the course of the campaign in 2004. The first was when some right-wingers made a fuss about Kerry's foreign leaders remark. The second was when some right-wingers made a fuss about Kerry's war medals. That's nice that Bush is keeping up, but is the right proud that it's because of, you know, stupid bullshit?

But back to the poll.

The big news in the CBS/NYT poll is that support for Bush regarding the Iraq war is way down:
After initially expressing robust backing for the war, the public is now evenly divided over whether the United States military should stay for as long as it takes to stabilize Iraq or pull out as soon as possible, the poll showed.

Asked whether the United States had done the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, 47 percent of respondents said it had, down from 58 percent a month earlier and 63 percent in December, just after American forces captured Saddam Hussein. Forty-six percent said the United States should have stayed out of Iraq, up from 37 percent last month and 31 percent in December.
There's a lot more to digest. Anyway, I have two midterms tomorrow, tata!


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