The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Sunday, March 14, 2004


NTodd singles out this Condi statement from this morning's Meet the Press:
The president wants to know, as much as anybody, and probably more than anyone else, what became of the weapons of mass destruction. We were all somewhat surprised that we have not yet found them.
This comment perfectly illustrates how remorselessly full of shit the Bush administration is on WMD, as if it weren't clear already.

If I based my case for invading a country on weapons of mass destruction, and I fully believed that the invadee had stockpiles of them, then if I were unable to find any weapons when I got there, wouldn't I be, you know, genuinely concerned for the safety of earth because I thought that lots of weapons must have fallen into various untrackable hands? But no, Condoleeza Rice is "somewhat surprised".

In the 2003 State of the Union, Bush assumed a very grave tone in describing the weapons he claimed Saddam had. But when they were actually looking for them after the toppling of Saddam's regime, and they couldn't find any, all graveness departed, and the lone motivation for finding WMD seemed to be so they could say "see? I told you so!" These are not serious, trustworthy people.


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