The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Sunday, March 14, 2004


Afghanistan had many terrorists within its borders who were responsible for 9/11.

Iraq had a dictator who didn't have any WMD nor any ties to Al Qaeda, and was thoroughly contained anyway.

Jose Maria Aznar strongly supported an operation in Iraq that diverted the bulk of our resources from Afghanistan, where we could have looked for the real terrorists, including the terrorist, Osama bin Laden.

Aznar was complicit in letting bin Laden go.

And PSOE are the appeasers???

Anyway... Hesiod has more.

UPDATE: John Cole, mind-reader:
[T]errorist (sic) have changed the outcome of an election in Spain, using the deaths of 200 innocents to bully a population into submission
Umm, right. And I suppose Aznar didn't change the course of the election by trying to pin the whole thing on ETA when all the available evidence was leaning in a quite different direction. Voters don't generally respond well to lies on national security issues for the sake of political expidency. Well, at least there they don't.

Oh, and I like the rest of the post, where he goes after Atrios for supposedly politicizing the attacks, when he was clearly politicizing sunday's election. But yeah, elections were great until they started getting so political all the time.


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