The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The Baghdad palace of Saddam Hussein's oldest son Odai is revealing more about his so-called "playboy" lifestyle.

Looters stripped the palace of most valuables, but there was still ample evidence of Odai's extravagance.

Reporters said they've seen pages of downloaded pornography, expensive liquor, cigars, guns and ammo magazines, and love letters from girlfriends.

The palace itself is adorned with ornate gold and gilt fixtures, lighting and furniture.

There were also some unusual discoveries in Odai's palace.

In addition to finding a lot of liquor, electronics, Cuban cigars and porn -- U.S. soldiers say they found pictures of President George W. Bush's twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush.

They say the pictures were hanging in one of Odai Hussein's gymnasiums.

Captain Ed Ballanco said soldiers took those pictures down. (full story)
Hahahaha! This of course begs a disturbing question: During the 1991 war, did Odai have a picture of Laura up? Or worse, Bar?

Of course, if Hussein the younger was going for pure superficiality and not some strange Graduate thing with the twins, why not Dubya's niece Lauren:

She's a relatively vacant model for Tommy Hilfiger (ugh). When asked how she got into modeling:
"I fell into modeling when I was in New York with my family for the Macy's Parade. A family friend suggested that I meet with a few modeling agencies, and things just happened from there."
Hmm, a Bush "family friend", eh? Let's see . . . Bin Laden? . . . Saddam? . . . Pinochet? Well hey, they have connections.

Her favorite movies are "Great Expectations" and "Tommy Boy". Gee golly, I wonder which one of those movies more closely applies to Unkie Smirk...

("that's gonna leave a mark")


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