The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Saturday, December 28, 2002


I've read articles like this one so many times that it makes me really sad.

I think about the Bush Administration's sexual demagoguery on abstinence-only, and it's "pro-life" policies around the world, and sad becomes angry.

I think about the heartless and greedy American drug companies that took years, years, years to finally cut deals to send significant quantities of AIDS drugs to South Africa (including drugs to keep HIV-positive mothers from transmitting the virus to their children when they are born), angry becomes tinged with disbelief and incredulity.

But then I remember that so much good in the world could come from simple adjustments in attitude, compassion and understanding among those who have the power to make changes. And when I think like that, I rediscover the optimism in my heart. Because I want to do my part to help the world.


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