The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Monday, December 30, 2002

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Daniel O'Donnell first gave blood during the Great Depression. Since then, he's donated blood to the American Red Cross 300 times.

Now, Red Cross officials in western New York plan to nominate O'Donnell for the Guinness Book of Records. They say he's given blood more times than the official record, which is 226. (Full story)
Best of luck to you, Mr O'Donnell. I will be most happy to welcome you into the Guinness Book, given that I'm a member*, hehe.

That must be some over-worked, stressed-out marrow there! "Aw crap, not again," you can hear it proclaim.

The other question, of course, is will this accomplishment occupy the same page as the Most Sperm-Bank Donations entry. Well, only in our dreams, given that you can't donate sperm more than once (due to the slight possibility of genetic mutations that could result from if two people who originated from the same sperm manage to meet and reproduce).

* - I was part of San Mateo High School's class of 1999, which is in the 2003 Guinness Book for our incomparable canned food drive, hehe


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