The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Friday, November 08, 2002

Jerry Falwell says some objectionable stuff in this release regarding the aftermath of the midterm elections. That's to be expected from a nut like him. What gets me is his analysis of why the Dems didn't fare well this time around:
Actually, Democrats are too busy licking their wounds right now to appreciate the political juggernaut that shook the nation.

House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt is the first casualty, announcing he will step down. Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe will almost certainly follow suit, his political career possibly in ruins.

One of the challengers for Mr. Gephardt's job is House Minority Whip Nancy Pelosi - a liberal's liberal. She reportedly has the support of more than 100 House Democrats. I, for one, hope she gets the job. Such a move would prove to voters that this is the party of the left. Tuesday's mass triumph illustrates that this is a losing scenario.

Apparently, Democrats have not grasped what actually happened in the momentous election on Tuesday
. (emphases mine)
Is that so? Not only is Jerry wrong, but he essentially contradicts himself in those few sentences. Falwell the Hutt thinks the Democrats lost because they were too far from the center. Riddle me this, dude: What was it that congressional Democrats did that pissed off the left base so much that many of them stayed home on election day, causing the Rethuglican congressional sweep? They lined up in droves to kiss Bush's ass on Iraq, that's what! Sucking up to Bush and running from their own left wing was what created the losing scenario for the Democrats, Jabba. His "eyes of reason", as Ben Franklin would put it, are certainly closed.

Jerry cites Gephardt's resignation as well, but tries to tie it into the idea the Democrats lost because somehow they were too liberal. Nevermind that Gephardt resigned because his very conscious strategy of moving to the center this election backfired majestically.

Here's what he gets right: Nancy Pelosi is a "liberal's liberal"... and that's precisely what the Democratic Party needs to rediscover its soul, its inner-Wellstone. Next on the agenda for the Democrats: Articulating a coherent message that can be understood by swing voters.

This is bad news for Republicans. I'm not talking about Pelosi's ascent to Minority Leader. I'm talking about Falwell's statement. He talks about all the things he and the Xian right hopes get accomplished this session. This is the beginning of the far, far right wing cashing in its chips, and pressuring the Repubs to pass their far-right agenda. The backlash in '04 will be considerable. Hopefully, it will cost Smirk his job. At least Falwell has his fundamentalist university to fall back on.


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