The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Brendan Buhler emails:

Thought you might be feeling a little down today, so I'm writing to say that
you should be of good cheer.

True, the fanatics in this country have just signed us up for another four
years of sissy hawk kleptocracy. Granted, the last months have vaporized
what little was left of moderate American politics. And sure, it's only
going to get worse.

I'm not going to make any consolation arguments about how now the GOP will
own the Iraq disaster lock, stock and barrel, or how it now has more than
enough rope to hang itself. After all, it has rope enough to hang a lot of
folks besides itself and I couldn't imagine taking any comfort in or rooting
for Iraq to continue to burn.

No, I'm just dropping you a line to let you know it was a heck of a sunset
tonight. Great big pink and orange mountains in the sky. Dolphins bobbed
along the surfline.

We live in Santa Barbara and the people who supposedly won have just been
sentenced to years in a pestilential swamp.

That is all.

- Brendan
Thanks, Brendan. (Guess he didn't notice that on Monday I ripped the Nexus a new one for supporting Prop 69, hehe.)

The skyscapes of SB have been quite majestic lately indeed, and for this I am thankful. I'm trying hard not to think of the CO2 emissions that make said sky so red-orange, or the offshore drills against which said dolphins occasionally bump their shiny, squeaky dolphin heads. I really am trying. (:

Your point on Iraq is well taken, I was planning to expand on exactly that soon, possibly tonight.

A message to all my readers, as well as readers of other left-leaning blogs: Don't take the way we act today as any long-term indication of our mood. Many of us put lots of energy, time, money, conversation and emotion into this campaign (as did many on the right), and if we're all a bit erratic right now, then that's how we're going to be. So don't draw any conclusions about how we're acting, because people who worked hard for Bush's reelection campaign would have acted the exact same way in the hours following a Bush loss. I've already had to chastise Jack to that effect.


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