The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Wednesday, March 24, 2004


A couple days ago, Marshall excerpted a bit from Newsweek about Paul Wolfowitz:
In the meeting, says Clarke, Wolfowitz cited the writings of Laurie Mylroie, a controversial academic who had written a book advancing an elaborate conspiracy theory that Saddam was behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Clarke says he tried to refute Wolfowitz. "We've investigated that five ways to Friday, and nobody [in the government] believes that," Clarke recalls saying. "It was Al Qaeda. It wasn't Saddam." A spokesman for Wolfowitz describes Clarke's account as a "fabrication." Wolfowitz always regarded Al Qaeda as "a major threat," says this official.
Marshall notes that Wolfowitz wrote a very complimentary blurb for one of Mylroie's books.

I sat up in my chair when I read Mylroie's name, because I knew I saw her somewhere else. As Newsweek mentions, she is an proponent of the theory that Saddam was behind the 1993 WTC bombing. Guess most of the right was too busy blaming Clinton for that one (you know, it happened quite a ways into his administration, way past the, uh, Flexible Blame Threshold), to notice Laurie's allegations. And then it hit me: She was the one claiming Iraq was behind the Oklahoma City bombing too! I remembered this because I saw her on The O'Splotchy Factor a few years back trying to make such a case. Apparently she thought that Midwestern militia-men know surprisingly little about the wide variety of uses for fertilizer.

Anyway, keep that in mind next time someone brings up something Wolfowitz says.


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