The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


Sully is not happy with the SOTU.
What especially amazed me was the lack of any recognition that job growth is lagging economic growth. There was no statement of concern for those still struggling in the economy, no rhetoric of empathy. That surprised me. It leaves a huge opening to the Democrats, who will argue that the president is out of touch. Indeed, John Kerry immediately made that criticism in New Hampshire. Doesn't 43 remember 41? It's extraordinary he didn't make even a token statement of empathy with those whom the recovery has yet to carry along.
What especially amazes me is that Sully, who would say he's been paying attention, thought Bush would actually show such compassion, or even feign it.

But I'm enthused to see Andy making sense. To add to his point: Not only did Bush not even show mock compassion or empathy for the jobless, but the job-related proposals he made -- training programs, a rededication to community colleges, etc -- don't have any direct bearing on the current unemployed population. Either this is frighteningly callous of Bush, or he must know something about the future of the job market in America that we don't.

I never thought I'd say this about a Sullivan piece, but... read the whole thing, it gets better.


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