The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

DEAN 68, BUSH 18

Via Calpundit and Oxblog, we see that Gallup has done some polling on what professions are the most trustworthy. Nurses top the list (83%) with doctors close behind (68%). Way down the list, we find business executives (18%), and it bottoms out with car salesmen (7%).

So yeah, that's medical doctors (Dean) in a landslide over business execs (Bush).

Oh wait, you say, Dean was also a state governor (26%). Well, so was Bush. So let's take the averages of the two professions of each candidate and compare:

Dean: (26 + 68)/2 = 47%
Bush: (18 + 26)/2 = 22%

There you have it. Howard Dean is more than twice as trustworthy as George W Bush. Heh.


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