The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Friday, October 24, 2003


I'm too sleepy for actual serious punditry today. But I wanted to mention that while I enjoyed David Brooks' saturday column on the life and times of edgy photographer Helmut Newton, a sentence in the final graf leapt out at me:
Like Madonna, Britney Spears, Michael Savage or other edge-masters after him, Newton excels in the competition for attention. He toys with images associated with good and evil, repression and liberation. But he doesn't actually have any ideas about such things. He and the edginess phenomenon as a whole remind us that of all the human traits that shape culture and history, the most underappreciated is the power of vacuousness.
Michael Savage as a notable "edge-master"?

Let's see . . . he got a TV show, he made the "edgy" comment that a gay caller should "get aids and die", not to mention "eat a sausage and choke on it". He got his ass FIRED, and has essentially not been heard from since.

Edge-master? Sounds more like a Wile E Coyote cliff take to me.

This is a real edge master:

And so is this:

Have a good night, all.


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