The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

a Lennon Murphy "unsabotaging her career" update

Longtime readers of TFM may know that I am a fan of a relatively unknown singer-songwriter from Tennessee named Lennon Murphy (her late mother named her after Beatle John). Her music combines the lyrical daring and brutal honesty of Fiona Apple and, well, me (hehe), with the bone-crunching tuned-down nu metal of, say, Korn (with a touch of Pumpkins-esque distortion bliss, as well as an uncommon gift for melody).

For slaves of Clear Channel radio, think of Lennon's music as Evanessence but with more sophistication, bravery and honesty.

Anyway, to the point: in about two weeks, through her website (linked above), Lennon will be releasing a vocal-and-piano-only album called Career Suicide. An interesting title, given the number of tours she's cancellec over the past two years for various reasons. Then again, her kickass debut album, 5:30 Saturday Morning, was released on 9/11/01, and that was bound to, uh, drown out her promotional effort.

That's all for now, if she ever tours again you'd do well to check her out.


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