The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Sunday, July 20, 2003


The thing about these dubious claims made by the Bush administration regarding Iraqi weapons is that every bit of knowledge has been out there for quite a while. People in the know already know that everything from the Niger uranium, to the aluminum tubes, to the unmanned drones, to the canvas-covered trailers were a bunch of bunk. The only thing that's changed is that the press is suddenly not being incredibly lazy about them. By admitting that the uranium claim was incorrect, the Bushies probably thought they could immunize themselves against charges on other intel tidbits; hence Bush, a week ago, calling the yellowcake matter "closed". If this, along with Tenet falling on an unwarranted sword, mitigated the situation at all, it's hard to tell, because the press is actually somewhat lively right now.

Hence, the pretty reliable Dana Milbank reports on another bogus Bush claim -- that Saddam Hussein could have launched a chemical/biological attack within 45 minutes of the order -- emphasizing that the White House didn't check such a claim with the CIA.
The claim, which has since been discredited, was made twice by President Bush, in a September Rose Garden appearance after meeting with lawmakers and in a Saturday radio address the same week. Bush attributed the claim to the British government, but in a "Global Message" issued Sept. 26 and still on the White House Web site, the White House claimed, without attribution, that Iraq "could launch a biological or chemical attack 45 minutes after the order is given." (emphasis mine)
Disputes over the claim across the pond were part of what drove David Kelly to suicide.

Bush lied, soldiers, civilians and stressed-out scientists died.


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