The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Thursday, March 06, 2003


The Horse evokes a sentiment that has been stirring in the back (and sometimes the front) of my mind since election day 2000:
Megalomania and its consequences

As the 3,000 "shock and awe" bombs rain down on Iraq in a period of 48 hours, killing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and enraging legions of newly-created al Qaida recruits who hope to commit mass murder against you and your family here in America, don't lose sight of the most important thing: All will die for what Ralph Nader has suggested is a good cause -- destroying America in order to drive enough voters to such abject desperation they will stampede to the polls to empower him to rebuild it.

On behalf of the many innocents whose lives would not end violently, painfully, and tragically in the next few days or weeks but for your 2000 candidacy: Thanks, Ralph.
A "cold shower" with international reprecussions?

Just curious (and i'm upset right now): Show of hands, how many people want a second term of this? Are you gonna let Ralphie be complicit in this?

Again, I'm upset. I'll talk about Bush's news conference in a little bit.


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