The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Tuesday, February 25, 2003


When I began reading this slightly humorous piece pondering a Bush/Saddam debate I found it to be innocent enough. The amusing but apolitical quotes from Carville and Begala were fine. But then the 2000 presidential debates became the topic of discussion... Revisionist history alert!
If the Iraqi president has one thing going for him, it might be low expectations. The authoritarian leader is thought to be rusty on the give and take of politics, and if he should turn out to have a rapier wit, he might win points.

Bush, for example, beat expectations in the 2000 campaign. People were sure the policy-polished and well-spoken Gore would run circles around the Texas governor, who mangles words and was making his first bid for national office. Bush surprised the doubters.(emphasis mine)
Hmm, sounds like a job for Somerby. Oh, wait, it already was. Incomparably done.


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