The Facts Machine

"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide"

Friday, February 14, 2003


No WMD's found by inspectors means no cause to go to war yet. I apologize to those guys in my Polisci section who were so excited.

Pro-Iraq-war college students are very amusing, and yet very instructive in their existence. They get excited about the prospect of "killing Iraqis". They even create pools as to what day the war will start.

From these types, you never hear that humble-ish rhetoric about how "we do not seek this war" or anything like that. Sometimes Bush will be in front of a mic and he'll say that. But he wants the same thing as these eager college hawks. Listening to those kids reminds me that Bush's rhetoric is a bunch of hooey.

Anyway, look for the usual cadre of extra-chrom types to tell us about how we still have grounds to go to war, even though no WMD's have been found. That might work for you, and you might even find some legal wiggle-room to support your opinion. But the American people won't bite. The UN won't bite. The world won't bite.


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